The Rising of the SHIELD Hero Season 2: what will happen in the second season? Check out all exclusive updates along with Naofumi as a world cardinal hero!

The rising of the shield, a series that has been derived from a Japanese book authored by Aneko Yusagi and has been the plot for the seasons that have followed. Not only does it have a huge fanbase in Japan, the country of its origin, but also worldwide, derived from a dark fantasy genre, the series has seen the success that it was capable of achieving.

With the characters remaining the same in the upcoming season, season 2, the series will not leave any moment of complaint about the viewers and will stand up to the expectations of the fans as they have been building upon from the first season, the debut of the series. The second season will bring many changes in the story that was taken off with the first season, however, the changes that are needed for the development of the story will be unraveling in the upcoming seasons. The series has been developing on a plot that has taken attention from viewers worldwide.

What will be the changes in the plot of the story?

The second season will have more or less the same plot that was there in the first season and if any changes, they will be subtle. A major chunk of the story will remain the same as it was ended in the first season.

What will be the modifications to the release date?

Since previously it was thought that the release of the season will be in October, the pandemic as has been bragged about in the past by several people on multiple occasions has affected the release of the second season of the series and the new date will be in the upcoming year with the trailer to be released months before the release of the second season.