Finally! Dolly Parton steps into the TikTok world

All positive things happening with Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton, a country music icon has officially joined TikTok this Sunday but posting he first which says, “Hey, TikTok! It’s Dolly!” followed by “I have arrived.”

Fans world wide of her have gone crazy back in September 2021, when they saw last year that the legend had joined the infamous video sharing app TikTok. But sooner it was revealed that some imposter who performed taking on the account as a fake Dolly Parton, the account and its posts were immediately shut down.

Soon after Dolly herself had revealed through social media support that an unverified user took one of an old video and did surgery on the clips to make it appear as if the the video is brand new recent which led to fans greeting her on TikTok with huge following.

Dolly Parton
@dollyparton | Instagram

But now as she herself really stepped on the trending platform, she shared her first ever TikTok post continuing with quite few videos which were actually her in real and not fake. The posts have already amassed a massive 1.8 million views, with her followers hitting beyond 371k within 15 hours, and is set to reach one million soon.

Four photos shooted an entertaining cut of Dolly Parton performing in her new account on TikTok. One with a short clip where she introduces herself for the clearance from fakism while the other featured a compilation of fan videos, further adding the third one in which Parton is dressed and ready for the stage.

Miley Cyrus & Dolly Parton
@dollyparton | Instagram

Dolly Parton is set appear in an NBC special for New Year with Miley Cyrus, both having a special bond and respect instead of the huge age gap. Miley Cyrus, who obviously took Dolly Parton as her role model, have performed on several occasions on Parton’s songs. Having been accepted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame after turning down her nomination, Dolly declared she has no plans to bring her work from it with her on tour.